Sold prices in Dane Valley Road, Congleton, Cheshire

Area info, specific search results, and unique insights.

Dane Valley Road, Congleton, Cheshire summary

The bottom dots represent local averages. Period is 5 years.

4 sold £283,000 avg price £2,508 avg psqm

Congleton market summary

  • Value
    The average price in Congleton is currently £216,719. That's 23.8% lower than the national average of £284,464.
  • PSQM
    The average price per square metre is currently £2,245, which is 18.3% lower than the national average of £2,747.
View area guide

20 properties in Dane Valley Road, Congleton, Cheshire.

14 Dane Valley Road, Congleton
Data validity partially verified
Band D
September 2022 (Recent) (2 total sales) £345,000
7 Dane Valley Road, Congleton
Data validity fully verified
Band D
3 bed
August 2021 (2 total sales) £270,000
18 Dane Valley Road, Congleton
Data validity partially verified
Band E
August 2020 (2 total sales) £293,000
6 Dane Valley Road, Congleton
Data validity partially verified
Band D
December 2019 (2 total sales) £225,000
21 Dane Valley Road, Congleton
Data validity partially verified
Band E
November 2018 £319,995
2 Dane Valley Road, Congleton
Data validity partially verified
Band E
August 2018 £257,995
4 Dane Valley Road, Congleton
Data validity partially verified
Band E
August 2018 £299,995
19 Dane Valley Road, Congleton
Data validity partially verified
Band E
August 2018 £292,995
17 Dane Valley Road, Congleton
Data validity partially verified
Band D
July 2018 £234,995
15 Dane Valley Road, Congleton
Data validity partially verified
Band D
June 2018 £237,995
3 Dane Valley Road, Congleton
Data validity partially verified
Band E
October 2017 (2 total sales) £235,500
36 Dane Valley Road, Congleton
Data validity partially verified
Band B
May 2017 £174,995
16 Dane Valley Road, Congleton
Data validity partially verified
Band D
April 2017 £234,995
1 Dane Valley Road, Congleton
Data validity partially verified
Band E
March 2017 £274,995
12 Dane Valley Road, Congleton
Data validity partially verified
Band E
March 2017 £299,995
9 Dane Valley Road, Congleton
Data validity partially verified
Band E
March 2017 £309,995
11 Dane Valley Road, Congleton
Data validity partially verified
Band E
February 2017 £294,995
13 Dane Valley Road, Congleton
Data validity partially verified
Band D
January 2017 £224,995
10 Dane Valley Road, Congleton
Data validity partially verified
Band E
January 2017 £299,995
5 Dane Valley Road, Congleton
Data validity partially verified
Band D
December 2016 £239,995

Frequently asked questions about Dane Valley Road

What is the most common property type in Dane Valley Road?

The type distribution in Dane Valley Road is as follows:

Detached: 21
Terraced: 2
Semi-Detached: 6
Flats: None

What is the most expensive sale made on Dane Valley Road?

The most expensive sale recorded is 14 Dane Valley Road, Congleton which sold for £345,000 on Sep 5, 2022. The property is in tax band D. The property has a price per square metre of £2,584 psqm, which is 13% higher than the area average.