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Moving home


Moving to a new area

Relocating can be an exciting fresh start, but that also means there is more to take into consideration and more research to do. Before viewing the Mouseprice To Do List, please see our article on Choosing a Neighbourhood as well as the Area Guides to find out about the type of area that you are moving to.

Arranging the move

A property sale is not final until the completion day. This is the day that the property becomes yours and you are able to move in. You may wish to arrange this day so that it falls on a Friday or on a weekend, to allow time to settle in. You may also need to arrange alternative accommodation for your first few days of occupancy, if you need to wait for the delivery of your belongings. It is also wise to arrange the delivery of newly bought pieces of furniture prior to the moving in date, as large pieces can take three to six weeks to deliver.

Pre-move considerations

  1. Book removal men – own van or hire professionals. Check moving insurance. Organise large pieces of furniture if they won’t fit through the door, fragile belongings (such as pianos/ antiques).
  2. Packing - Remember that you will probably not be able to unpack everything on the first day. We recommend taking a ‘hand luggage’ bag, and packing the kettle at the top, so that you can have a cup of tea in your new home as you begin the lengthy process of unpacking! Remember to pour the water out before packing it!

Accommodation for you and your belongings: Do you need to book storage area? Do you have friends or family with garage or shed space that you can borrow?

Who to notify prior to the move

It is important to remember to tell your friends and family that you are moving, and also to notify anybody who may need a record of your current address for their official records. The list below highlights some of the important people and organisations it may be necessary to notify.

  1. Employer
  2. Doctor/ Dentist – if you are moving to a new area, you may have to register with a new doctor or dentist.
  3. Bank or Building Society (plus any credit or store card providers).
  4. Other Financial Providers - Banks, Building Societies, Insurance, Pension etc.
  5. DVLA
  6. Library
  7. Water/Gas/Electricity/ Telephone/ Internet/ TV License
  8. Schools (if you have dependents)
  9. Council Tax Office
  10. HM Revenue and Customs

Royal Mail offer to redirect your mail, information for which can be found on their website. However, it would also be worth giving the new owners of your previous home a copy of your address so that they can redirect any correspondence to you. Also, don’t forget to cancel the milk and your papers.

How to make the day of the move run more smoothly

The key to a smooth move is forward planning. Other than the essential arrangements for the move itself, you may wish to consider the following:

  1. If you have young children, are they likely to be more of a help or a hindrance? If you decide the latter, you may wish to make arrangements for them to stay with friends or family for the first few nights.
  2. Do you need to take everything with you? Take the opportunity to take any old clothes to a charity shop. Alternatively, you could try selling any unwanted possessions on an online auction site.
  3. Don’t forget to take up-to-date meter readings, so that you are not charged unnecessarily.
  4. Have your final chats with the estate agent to make sure the keys will be available for you.
  5. Upon arriving at your new home, have a thorough check to make sure everything is in order. For example, if you agreed that you would inherit carpets and curtains from the previous owner, check they have not taken them with them. It is also wise to conduct a meter readings here too.

Mentioned locations

Sale, Cheshire Sale, Greater Manchester Settle, North Yorkshire

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