Sold prices in Penylan, Cardiff, South Glamorgan

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Crime level is very high

Penylan, Cardiff, South Glamorgan market summary

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What schools are there in Penylan, Cardiff, South Glamorgan?

Nearby schools in Penylan, Cardiff, South Glamorgan include Ty Gwyn Special School,

What stations are there in Penylan, Cardiff, South Glamorgan?

Nearby stations in Penylan, Cardiff, South Glamorgan include Heath Low Level Station, Heath High Level Station, Cathays Station, Cardiff Queen Street Station, Ty Glas Station.

How can I get a valuation for my home?

The Mouseprice AVM provides a great estimate of what your home is worth. If you would like an free in-depth agent valuation, click here to book one.

How much does it cost to move home?

The cost of moving home in Penylan, Cardiff, South Glamorgan for buyers is on average around £1,500 and Penylan, Cardiff, South Glamorgan sellers can expect to pay local estate agents an average of £0. Get a free conveyancing quote.