Most and least expensive streets

York, YO19

York, YO19 has a total of 233 streets. The most expensive street in YO19 is King Rudding Lane, with an average sale price of £1,427,300. The least expensive street in YO19 is Riccall Road, with an average sale price of £52,000.

Filter by number of transactions

Most expensive streets

Rank Street Transactions (Past 5 years) Average price
1 King Rudding Lane

YO19 6QL
1 £1,427,300
2 Moreby

YO19 6HN
3 £1,018,833
3 Holtby Lane

YO19 5XG | YO19 5XQ
2 £850,000
4 Fordlands Road

YO19 4QG | YO19 4QR | YO19 4QT | YO19 4QW | YO19 4QY | YO19 4QZ
14 £816,292
5 Stewart Lane

YO19 6HP
1 £740,000
6 Escrick Road

YO19 6BQ | YO19 6HT | YO19 6SD
5 £729,867
7 Northgate Lane

YO19 5XR
1 £695,000
8 Naburn Lane

YO19 4RB | YO19 4RF | YO19 4RG | YO19 4RL | YO19 6HH | YO19 6HJ
5 £665,278
9 Sandy Lane

YO19 5XE | YO19 5XF
2 £656,750
10 Grimston Bar

YO19 5LA
1 £640,000

Least expensive streets

Rank Street Transactions (Past 5 years) Average price
1 Riccall Road

YO19 6ED | YO19 6FF
1 £52,000
2 Keepers Way

YO19 5SQ
2 £130,250
3 Nova Scotia Way

YO19 6RP
1 £148,000
4 Millfield Industrial Estate

YO19 6NA | YO19 6TG
1 £160,000
5 Ash Grove

YO19 6NW
1 £160,000
6 Beech Park Close

YO19 6NL
5 £165,100
7 Saunters Way

YO19 6NY
9 £174,889
8 Coppergate

YO19 6PD | YO19 6PE | YO19 6PF
12 £175,349
9 Viking Drive

YO19 6PS
5 £177,516
10 Mount Pleasant

YO19 6BF
3 £183,667

Street ranking notes

Average street prices are calculated using all sales in the HM Land Registry data from the past 5 years. It is important to note that as homes are demolished and built these prices will fluctuate over time accordingly. Use the transactions number filter to avoid any anomalous data caused by low transaction numbers.