Most and least expensive streets

Heathfield, TN21

Heathfield, TN21 has a total of 228 streets. The most expensive street in TN21 is Redpale, with an average sale price of £2,767,500. The least expensive street in TN21 is Rainbow Parade, with an average sale price of £110,000.

Filter by number of transactions

Most expensive streets

Rank Street Transactions (Past 5 years) Average price
1 Redpale

TN21 9NR
4 £2,767,500
2 Burnt Oak Lane

TN21 0NY
1 £1,300,000
3 Pottens Mill Lane

TN21 8TX | TN21 8TY
1 £1,260,000
4 Foxhunt Green

TN21 0RU | TN21 0RX | TN21 0RY
1 £1,250,000
5 Hanging Birch Lane

TN21 0BH | TN21 0NT | TN21 0PA | TN21 0PD | TN21 0PE
3 £1,135,000
6 Churches Green

TN21 9NU | TN21 9NX
1 £1,085,000
7 Padgham Lane

TN21 9ND | TN21 9NS | TN21 9NT
2 £1,082,500
8 Tottingworth Park

TN21 8UH | TN21 8UJ | TN21 8UL | TN21 8UN | TN21 8XH | TN21 8XJ
6 £1,075,417
9 Nettlesworth Lane

TN21 9AP | TN21 9AR | TN21 9AS | TN21 9BF
3 £1,061,667
10 Cambridge Lane

TN21 0PB
2 £1,015,000

Least expensive streets

Rank Street Transactions (Past 5 years) Average price
1 Rainbow Parade

TN21 8SX
1 £110,000
2 Mayfield Court

TN21 8SW
9 £152,083
3 Leeves Way

TN21 0AP
7 £152,536
4 Woodlands Way

TN21 8YZ
2 £165,000
5 Woodland Mews

TN21 8YY
2 £165,000
6 Streatfield Road

TN21 8LA | TN21 8LJ | TN21 8LW
29 £171,815
7 Station Approach

TN21 0AA | TN21 8LG | TN21 8LH
2 £172,000
8 Uplands Court

TN21 8SP
3 £173,917
9 Rowan Close

TN21 8BX
1 £174,000
10 Stonegate Way

TN21 8NQ | TN21 8NW
10 £177,434

Street ranking notes

Average street prices are calculated using all sales in the HM Land Registry data from the past 5 years. It is important to note that as homes are demolished and built these prices will fluctuate over time accordingly. Use the transactions number filter to avoid any anomalous data caused by low transaction numbers.