Most and least expensive streets

Sandhurst, GU47

Sandhurst, GU47 has a total of 263 streets. The most expensive street in GU47 is Vulcan Way, with an average sale price of £13,356,812. The least expensive street in GU47 is Woodlands Court, with an average sale price of £170,000.

Filter by number of transactions

Most expensive streets

Rank Street Transactions (Past 5 years) Average price
1 Vulcan Way

GU47 9DB | GU47 9DR | GU47 9XX
1 £13,356,812
2 Windrush Heights

GU47 8ET
2 £1,452,500
3 Ambarrow Lane

GU47 8JE | GU47 8JF
6 £1,408,500
4 High Street

GU47 8DY | GU47 8DZ | GU47 8EB | GU47 8ED | GU47 8EE | GU47 8HA | GU47 8HB | GU47 8HH | GU47 8HL | GU47 8HR | GU47 8LE | GU47 8LF | GU47 8LG | GU47 8LH | GU47 8LJ | GU47 8LN | GU47 8LP | GU47 8LQ | GU47 8LR | GU47 8LW | GU47 8LX | GU47 8LY | GU47 8NS
56 £1,048,135
5 Robin Lane

GU47 9AU
3 £968,333
6 Thibet Road

GU47 9AR
7 £940,357
7 Lamborne Close

GU47 8JL
4 £884,000
8 Whittle Close

GU47 8JN
1 £850,000
9 Ripplesmore Close

GU47 8PE
1 £785,000
10 Regents Place

GU47 9AS
1 £770,000

Least expensive streets

Rank Street Transactions (Past 5 years) Average price
1 Woodlands Court

GU47 0UW
4 £170,000
2 Brittain Court

GU47 9DP
5 £171,100
3 Crake Place

GU47 0YA
2 £187,475
4 Crane Court

GU47 0YB
7 £200,314
5 Bittern Close

GU47 0XP
2 £216,500
6 Coachmans Grove

GU47 9BG
3 £225,000
7 Seebys Oak

GU47 0FA
4 £238,875
8 Cambridge Road

GU47 0GR | GU47 0SX | GU47 0SZ | GU47 0TA | GU47 0UB
13 £239,813
9 Hepworth Croft

GU47 0GH
4 £243,625
10 Moor Close

GU47 0TB
2 £245,000

Street ranking notes

Average street prices are calculated using all sales in the HM Land Registry data from the past 5 years. It is important to note that as homes are demolished and built these prices will fluctuate over time accordingly. Use the transactions number filter to avoid any anomalous data caused by low transaction numbers.