Most and least expensive streets

Kidderminster, DY14

Kidderminster, DY14 has a total of 151 streets. The most expensive street in DY14 is Ranters Bank, with an average sale price of £800,000. The least expensive street in DY14 is Whitcomb's Orchard, with an average sale price of £83,000.

Filter by number of transactions

Most expensive streets

Rank Street Transactions (Past 5 years) Average price
1 Ranters Bank

DY14 9DT | DY14 9DU
1 £800,000
2 Mawley

DY14 8PL | DY14 8PT | DY14 8PW
1 £695,000
3 Bull Ring

DY14 8UD | DY14 8UH
2 £600,000
4 Sugars Lane

DY14 9TX | DY14 9TZ | DY14 9UJ | DY14 9UN | DY14 9UW
3 £598,750
5 Gibbett Bank

DY14 9DQ
1 £585,000
6 Catherton Road

DY14 0LA | DY14 0LB | DY14 0LF | DY14 0LG | DY14 0LH | DY14 0LJ | DY14 0LQ | DY14 8EB | DY14 8EL
4 £568,725
7 Greenway

DY14 9SG | DY14 9SH | DY14 9SJ | DY14 9SL | DY14 9SN | DY14 9SP | DY14 9SQ | DY14 9SR | DY14 9SW
5 £547,750
8 Buckeridge Bank

DY14 9DH | DY14 9DN
2 £534,750
9 Green Lane

DY14 8UL
1 £525,000
10 Cramer Gutter

DY14 0TX | DY14 0UA
3 £523,333

Least expensive streets

Rank Street Transactions (Past 5 years) Average price
1 Whitcomb's Orchard

1 £83,000
2 Viols Walk

DY14 8PQ
2 £89,500
3 Curdale Close

DY14 8DZ
7 £94,786
4 Langland Road

DY14 8EH
1 £110,000
5 Love Lane

DY14 8PE
1 £110,000
6 Lower Inhedge

DY14 8AH
3 £118,483
7 Talbot Square

DY14 8BQ
3 £138,333
8 Rockley Bank

DY14 8AP
3 £140,167
9 Mamble Road

DY14 9HX
3 £141,667
10 Hartmann Close

DY14 8DE
8 £141,725

Street ranking notes

Average street prices are calculated using all sales in the HM Land Registry data from the past 5 years. It is important to note that as homes are demolished and built these prices will fluctuate over time accordingly. Use the transactions number filter to avoid any anomalous data caused by low transaction numbers.