Most and least expensive streets

St. Albans, AL1

St. Albans, AL1 has a total of 303 streets. The most expensive street in AL1 is Griffiths Way, with an average sale price of £4,736,066. The least expensive street in AL1 is The Maltings, with an average sale price of £143,333.

Filter by number of transactions

Most expensive streets

Rank Street Transactions (Past 5 years) Average price
1 Griffiths Way

AL1 2RD | AL1 2RE | AL1 2RJ
2 £4,736,066
2 Grosvenor Road

AL1 3AE | AL1 3AW | AL1 3BU | AL1 3BX | AL1 3BY | AL1 3BZ
12 £3,163,137
3 Cunningham Hill Road

AL1 5BX | AL1 5BY
7 £2,087,429
4 York Road

3 £1,960,000
5 Marshals Drive

AL1 4QZ | AL1 4RA | AL1 4RB | AL1 4RD | AL1 4RE | AL1 4RF | AL1 4RG | AL1 4RH | AL1 4RQ
16 £1,924,458
6 Pondwicks Close

2 £1,883,338
7 Townsend Avenue

AL1 3SH | AL1 3SJ | AL1 3SL | AL1 3SW
1 £1,850,000
8 St. Peters Close

1 £1,780,000
9 Victoria Street

AL1 3ER | AL1 3HZ | AL1 3JB | AL1 3JD | AL1 3JG | AL1 3JJ | AL1 3SE | AL1 3SN | AL1 3SY | AL1 3TA | AL1 3TB | AL1 3TE | AL1 3TF | AL1 3TG | AL1 3TJ | AL1 3TL | AL1 3TT | AL1 3TW | AL1 3UB | AL1 3UH | AL1 3WZ | AL1 3XH | AL1 3XS | AL1 3XX | AL1 3YS | AL1 5HD
55 £1,779,191
10 Homewood Road

AL1 4BE | AL1 4BG | AL1 4BH | AL1 4BQ
6 £1,662,444

Least expensive streets

Rank Street Transactions (Past 5 years) Average price
1 The Maltings

AL1 3HL | AL1 3HS | AL1 3HT | AL1 3HU | AL1 3JQ
3 £143,333
2 Gordon Close

1 £179,000
3 Mountbatten Close

5 £219,220
4 Abbots Avenue

AL1 2HX | AL1 2HY
1 £225,000
5 Riverside Close

3 £229,657
6 Deacon Close

2 £240,000
7 Burnside

AL1 5RP | AL1 5RR | AL1 5RS | AL1 5RT
3 £241,250
8 Half Moon Mews

1 £241,500
9 Cecil Road

2 £247,500
10 Frobisher Road

AL1 5AH | AL1 5AJ
1 £250,000

Street ranking notes

Average street prices are calculated using all sales in the HM Land Registry data from the past 5 years. It is important to note that as homes are demolished and built these prices will fluctuate over time accordingly. Use the transactions number filter to avoid any anomalous data caused by low transaction numbers.