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How to add thousands to a home's value with ideas costing less than £200


You want to add value to your home, but don't want to spend a lot of money doing it. What options do you have?
These tips and tricks will help you increase your home's value by thousands of pounds, all for an investment of less than £200.

So, if you're looking to sell up or simply want to make your home worth more, read on!
How to increase your home’s value

Sprucing up the outside: First impressions count, so take some time to focus on the outside of your property. A fresh coat of paint, well-tended gardens and a tidy front door can all help increase your home's value.

Let there be light: Good lighting can make a huge difference to a property, both in terms of how it looks and how welcoming it feels. Adding some extra light fixtures or even just swapping old, outdated ones can brighten up your home and make it more appealing.

Create more space: One of the biggest things buyers look for is extra space. If you can create more space in your home, it will be much more valuable. While you could knock out walls to create open-plan living areas, you can spend less than £200 by simply decluttering and maximising your home’s storage space. Not only will this be useful to you, but potential buyers will also appreciate what you have done.
Kitchen and bathroom makeovers: These are two of the most important rooms in any home, so if they're looking dated, it's worth doing a quick makeover.

Even something as simple as adding new tiles, fixtures and fittings can make a big difference. Updating your kitchen and bathroom is a great way to add value to your home and potential buyers will be looking for ones that are modern and up to date. So, if your kitchen or bathroom is looking a little dated, consider a quick makeover – it could add thousands.

Add a stair runner: If you're looking for a cost-effective way to add value to your home, consider installing a stair runner. Stair runners not only add style, but they also protect your stairs from damage and wear and tear. You can find good quality stair runners for as little as £50, making them a worthwhile investment for your home.

Add some green space: If you have a garden or outdoor space, make the most of it! Buyers love homes with gardens, so if you can make yours look great, it will add serious value to your property. Try landscaping or planting some flowers and trees to really make an impact. Even a small, well-tended garden can add thousands to your property's value.

Get energy efficient: More and more buyers are looking for homes that are energy efficient, so if you can make some simple changes to reduce your property's carbon footprint, it will be more valuable. While installing solar panels can be expensive, you could consider insulation as a cheaper alternative. It would also help to invest in energy efficient bulbs and appliances too. Not only do these measures help you save money on your energy bills, but they will make your home more appealing to potential buyers.

Create a home office: With more people working from home, buyers are looking for properties that have space for a home office. If you can create a dedicated office space in your home, it will be much more valuable. You don’t have to invest a small fortune but try to make the space as functional and comfortable as possible, with plenty of storage and a good desk and chair.

Make it smart: Smart homes are becoming increasingly popular, so if you can add some high-tech features to your property. Automatic lighting and heating are great additions and for a lower budget you could add a new security alarm or smart plugs so you can run appliances using Alexa.
What to avoid when improving your home on a £200 budget
We have looked at some great ideas to add value to your home on a budget but there are some things you need to avoid. Such as:

Don't overspend on your renovations: It's important to be wise with your money when you're trying to add value to your home. Over-renovating can decrease the value of your property, so be sure to do your research and stay within your budget.

Don't skimp on quality: When you are making home improvements, be sure to use high-quality materials. Cheap products will not last as long and could end up costing you more in the long run.

Don't forget the details: It's the small things that can make a big difference when it comes to adding value to your home. Pay attention to the details and be sure to finish your projects properly.

Don't neglect the outside: The exterior of your home is just as important as the interior when it comes to adding value. Be sure to tend to your gardens and keep your front door looking neat and tidy.

Add thousands to your home's value
While these ideas will see you adding value to your home on a budget, you will still need to think wisely.
Essentially, if you're planning on doing any renovating, it's important to do it carefully. Not everything you spend money on will add value to your home, so it's worth doing your research before you start.
Kitchens and bathrooms are always a good choice to add value but be sure to pick finishes and fixtures that will appeal to buyers. It’s always a good idea to think of neutral tones if you are thinking of selling so that potential buyers can see your home as a canvas for what they would like to do.
Other than that, adding value on a budget can be a fun undertaking with so many options to consider – and when they work, they make for a sound investment.
Good luck!

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